Enrolment Info

Westmere School does have an enrolment zone. Enrolment Zones are established to ensure a school is not over crowded. The school is obliged to enrol all children who live in our zone and work through a process for those interested in coming to our school who live out of our zone. This zone can be found on the link which is on the front page of our Website. (Once linked search - Westmere School Whanganui and then click the hide/show enrolment zone icon.

Information to help with 'Out of Zone' enrolment interest.

Please click to find details and a map of the School Enrolment Zone. Enter your address to see if you are in our Enrolment Zone. 

This map will help to work out if you live in our Enrolment Zone.

Expression of Interest for 'Out of Zone' Enrolment form - download here -  (please complete this form and return or email to the school office/principal). principal@westmereprimary.school.nz or office@westmereprimary.school.nz.


The Ministry website shows our zone with:



( In search put Westmere School Wanganui and then click the hide/show enrolment zone)

Out of zone students who apply for enrolment at the school will  be accepted in the following order of priority:         


The Out of Zone Enrolment Process: